What Does a Basenji Poodle Mix Look Like?

Basenjis are quite distinctive with their elegant build and unique features, while Poodles are known for their curly coats and playful demeanor. When these two breeds combine, the result is a fascinating mix that intrigues dog enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we’ll cover everything about the Basenji Poodle Mix.

What is a Basenji Poodle Mix?

A Basenji Poodle mix brings together a purebred Basenji and a purebred Poodle, most often a Miniature or toy-size Poodle. It’s a deliberate crossbreed aiming to capture the athletic tenacity of the Basenji and the Poodle line. This results in an intelligent, energetic companion suited for fun-loving, active families.

What Does a Basenji Poodle Mix Look Like?

basenji mixed with poodle
Image: Royal Basenji Hybrids Facebook
  • Medium to small size, 15-30 pounds
  • Athletic yet slim build inherited from Basenji
  • Curly or wavy coat with possible shedding
  • Floppy ears or pointed tips
  • Wide color diversity from cream/white to tricolor, black, or brown hues

Puppies typically resemble flat-coated Basenjis in stature but may feature a Poodle-like snout. Any combination of physical and personality traits might manifest, however.


This mix combines the naturally aloof Basenji temperament with the eagerness to please rooted in Poodles. HOWEVER, MOST PUPPIES STILL USUALLY FAVOR THE INDEPENDENT-MINDEDNESS of their Basenji bloodlines. These hybrids CAN make for lively, entertaining companions but best suit CONFIDENT OWNERS ABLE TO ADDRESS THE WILLFUL DRIVE OF THE BREED.

Is the Basenji Poodle Mix a Good Family Dog?

The Basenji Poodle mix can make a good family dog, but they may not be ideally suited for families with very young or elderly members who require a calmer temperament. Here are some considerations on whether a Basenji Poodle mix fits with a family situation:

  • Activity Level – Basenji Poodle mixes are high-energy dogs that need upwards of 60-90 minutes of vigorous daily exercise and playtime. You should be ready to provide enough activity for your dog.
  • Trainability – These mixes can be intelligent but often inherit some stubbornness. While trainable, they may test boundaries requiring dedicated training reinforcement.
  • Child Compatibility – With proper socialization and boundaries, they can do well with disciplined older children. But they have less patience for messing with small toddlers. Best with kids 8+ years.
  • Elder Tolerance – The vocal nature and activity needs of the Basenji Poodle mix may overwhelm frail or stationary elderly folks. A more easygoing mature breed usually suits seniors better.

You should be ready to deliver sufficient physical/mental stimulation and leadership for a devoted, fun-loving pet in the Basenji Poodle mix.

Common Health Concerns

With conscientious health testing of the selected parent breeds, most Basenji Poodle crosses are robust. Common health issues they may encounter include:

  • Allergies/skin issues
  • Eye disorders
  • Hip dysplasia

You should investigate generations for possible underlying health issues in the lineage. Routine veterinary care is also key.

basenji poodle mix
Image: Royal Basenji Hybrids Facebook

Care and Grooming

Be prepared for a range of care and grooming practices if you plan to buy or own this dog. They include:

  • Coat maintenance: Regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling, especially if they inherit the curly coat of the Poodle. Weekly brushing will keep your dog’s coat in good shape always.
  • Exercise needs: Daily walks and engaging play sessions to fulfil this breed’s physical and mental stimulation requirements.
  • Dental care: Regularly brushing teeth and providing dental chews or toys to maintain oral health. For optimal oral health, you should brush the teeth of a Basenji Poodle Mix 2-3 times per week, if not daily.
  • Veterinary check-ups: Schedule routine visits to monitor your dog’s overall health and address any potential issues.
  • Proper nutrition: Feed a balanced diet appropriate for your dog’s size, age, and activity level.
  • Socialization: Expose your dog to different environments, people, and animals from an early age to promote well-rounded behavior.
  • Training: Consistent and positive reinforcement-based training to teach obedience and good manners.
  • Ear cleaning: Clean your dog’s ears periodically to prevent wax buildup and reduce the risk of ear infections, particularly if it inherits Basenji’s erect ears.

How Much Does a Basenji Poodle Mix Puppy Cost?

From a CAREFULLY SCREENED breeding pair, you can expect to pay around $500 to $1500+ per Basenji Poodle mix puppy. Adoption fees for rescued young adult mixes typically start from around $250.

basenji poodle mix puppies for sale
Image: basenjihybrid.com


The Basenji Poodle Mix presents a charming blend of traits from both parent breeds, resulting in a unique and captivating appearance. From the curly or wavy coat reminiscent of the Poodle to the sleek build and distinctive features of the Basenji, this mixed breed offers a visually striking combination.

Whether they inherit more characteristics from one parent or exhibit a perfect blend of both, one thing is certain – the Basenji Poodle Mix will turn heads with their individuality and charm.

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Does the Basenji Poodle mix bark a lot?

It’s prone to various HOWLING OR BAYING NOISES more than incessant barking UNLESS anxious or bored. Supervision and companionship prevent this.

What health issues does the Poodle Basenji mix have?

Eye disease, skin allergies and hip dysplasia are most prevalent. Buying a mainstream Poodle Basenji line from health-tested parents is critical.

How big will a Basenji Poodle mix get?

15-30 pounds usually. Size depends on which parent they take after more, but most on the smaller side.

Can you leave a Basenji Poodle mix alone?

Rarely for more than 4-6 hours without the risk of boredom behaviors. Interactive energy outlets suit them better for happiness and household harmony.

Is the Poodle Basenji mix easy to train?

Intelligent learning capabilities offset stubborn streaks. Positive reinforcement with confident leadership works best. Advanced classes are a great activity outlet.