What is a Blue Pug?

With their dark, smoky blue-gray coats and charming squished faces, Blue Pugs capture attention wherever they go. But are they simply a striking color variant of the famed Pug breed or something more distinct? What causes their unique bluish sheen? Do they differ in temperament and care needs from fawn or black Pugs? Discover the fascinating genetics and endearing personality of the Blue Pug.

What is a Blue Pug?

A Blue Pug is a color variant of the Pug dog breed, just like fawns or black Pugs. Their bluish-gray coats result from a genetic quirk causing diluted pigment. Blue is not currently recognized as a separate Pug variety by major kennel clubs. Regardless of coat hue, a Pug of any color still boasts the same delightful companion qualities that Pug fans adore.

What Does a Blue Pug Look Like?

  • Solid blue-gray coat ranging from light silver to dark charcoal
  • Black face mask and ears
  • Dark brown eyes and nose
  • Characteristic deep wrinkles across forehead and muzzle
  • Muscular, square proportioned body at 10-14 inches tall weighing 14-18 lbs


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Genetics Behind the Blue Coat

The signature blue-gray tone seen in Blue Pugs stems from a recessive dilution gene that alters black pigment production. Both parents must carry a single copy to potentially produce Blue Pug pups when bred together – the odds are roughly 25% per litter for inheritance from both sides. While sometimes chalked up as “rare,” Blue Pugs occur frequently in pet Pug bloodlines today, given the number of carriers.

Is the Blue Pug Considered a Rare Breed?

No, the Blue Pug is not regarded as a separate rare breed; it’s just a striking color variant. Breeders intentionally mating two Blue Pugs together to create a distinct breed is strictly discouraged by ethical groups since it narrows genetic diversity. The focus remains on preserving the wonderful Pug temperament first and foremost rather than isolating dogs for novelty colors alone.


Luckily, coat colors don’t alter temperament or personality! Blue Pugs retain all of the comical, charming, affectionate, and devoted disposition that Pug fanciers have cherished for centuries. They love lounging by their preferred people’s sides, entertaining families with their clownish antics, snuggling under blankets and lighting up faces with their human-like animated expressions.

This dog gets along wonderfully with respectful kids and dogs. Without plenty of love and interaction, Blue Pugs make their dismay known through insistent vocal objections and destruction!

Health Concerns

Like all Pugs, Blue Pugs are vulnerable to various hereditary conditions. If you plan to bring one home, you should especially look out for:

  • Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Luxating Patellas
  • Eye Issues like Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca

Your Blue Pug will enjoy a typical life expectancy of 12-15 years with attentive preventative vet care focused on optimizing breathing, joint, cooling, and eye health from a young age.

Care & Grooming

Their short, fine coats seem low maintenance compared to heavily coated breeds, but Blue Pugs do shed moderately year-round. Expect to:

  • Brush weekly to control loose hairs
  • Bathe monthly when needed using a gentle dog shampoo
  • Check and clean facial folds daily to prevent infections
  • Clean your dog’s ears and trim its nails monthly as part of their routine home care

Here is a table outlining a recommended schedule for grooming a Blue Pug:

Grooming Task Frequency
Brushing • Brush once per week
• More frequent brushing during seasonal shedding periods
Bathing • Bathe every 4-6 weeks
• Use mild dog shampoo
• Only bathe more often if exceptionally dirty
Nail Trimming • Trim nails every 2-3 weeks
Ear Cleaning • Check and gently wipe ears once per week
• Use dog ear cleaner only if needed for wax/debris
Facial Fold Cleaning • Gently wipe facial folds daily
• Use damp warm cloth to remove debris
• Prevent moisture buildup
Dental Care • Brush teeth 2-3 times per week
• Or provide safe chew toys/treats to aid teeth cleaning


Shedding and activity levels vary individually, so adjust frequency accordingly. But follow this baseline for bathing and brushing your Blue Pug’s charming blue coat and wrinkly face! The dark pigment of their facial creases also means taking care not to allow debris buildup.

How Much Does a Blue Pug Puppy Cost?

With their eye-catching coats and allegedly limited numbers, Blue Pug puppies often fetch premium pricing in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD and sometimes more from sought-after bloodlines compared to fawn littermates. You should pay attention to parental pedigree, early health testing for known breed risks, and breeder practices above color novelty.


Erroneously purported as “rare,” the Blue Pug’s dashing charcoal sheen only adds visual appeal to an already winning breed blessed with oodles of character and charm. Their lowered melanin production genetically causes a distinguished silvery blue cast, but the merry personality and wholehearted devotion prized in all Pugs perseveres steadfastly beneath the surface. Proper health protections ensure the Blue Pug remains vibrantly circulating Pug breed preservation for years ahead.

RELATED: What are Panda Pugs?


Is the Blue Pug a good family dog?

Yes, the Blue Pug makes an excellent family companion! Blue Pugs have an affectionate, outgoing, and playful nature – they are gentle and tolerant with children. They form very strong bonds with all members of a household and love spending ample time with their people.

Are Blue Pugs hypoallergenic?

No. No dog is truly hypoallergenic, and Blue Pugs shed a moderate amount year-round. They produce less dander than heavily coated dogs but are not low-shedding.

Do Blue Pugs have more health issues?

Coat color itself doesn’t impact health, though some believe very limited gene pools in rare colors may correlate with higher instances of issues. Responsible Blue Pug breeders screen breeding dogs and focus on diversity.

What is the best home for a Blue Pug?

Like all Pugs, Blue Pugs thrive when closely involved with their owners’ daily activities and routines, whether relaxing at home or running errands about town together. They shine most with families or individuals able to prioritize plenty of together time and interact frequently.

Can I live with my Blue Pug in an apartment?

Yes, Blue Pugs can adapt very well to apartment living. They have lower exercise requirements than many breeds but still require some daily walks and active playtimes. Their small size makes maneuvering tight spaces easy.

Is the Blue Pug a recognized breed?

No, the Blue Pug is not currently recognized as a separate breed by major kennel clubs like the AKC. It is a color variant of the standard Pug dog breed.