What is the BARF Diet for Dogs?

Designed by Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst, the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) diet is based on eating raw food, thus drawing inspiration from the animals’ wild past.

The formula focuses on a diet based on protein of animal origin to which a small percentage of fruits and vegetables is added. But do you know what its benefits are? And what exactly does it consist of? O if it’s a suitable diet for your pet… or not? Don’t worry, we’ll clear it up!

Although the objective of this feeding method is to guarantee your pet’s good health, before choosing a diet or changing the one your furry friend is on, you should know in detail what it is.

Without a doubt, our recommendation is that you always consult your veterinarian to check your animal’s physical condition. In other words, get to know some specific recommendations with which you can avoid the appearance of nutritional deficiencies.

The Benefits of BARF for Dogs

Unprocessed and free of preservatives and dyes, the BARF formula consists of raw foods, including meat and bones and, to a lesser extent, fruits and vegetables.

The formula offers a nutritional benefit superior to that of cooked food or conventional feed. Some of the benefits your furry friend will get from the BARF formula include:

  • An increase in energy and vitality,
  • A reduction of skin problems and ear infections,
  • The improvement of arthritis and joint problems,
  • Increased hydration,
  • Resistance to internal and external parasites,
  • Reduced risk of heart disease,
  • Increased activity with healthier joints, avoiding overweight and obesity problems.

In principle, the recommended food for an adult dog usually contains a proportion of 60% raw bones (containing more than 50% meat), 25% offal and 15% should be fruits and vegetables.

Ask your veterinarian about your pet’s specific needs to design the perfect BARF diet.

Sample BARF diet for dogs

Let’s see an example with chicken meat, one of the healthiest for having little saturated fat, and the most recommended for sedentary or overweight adult animals. For a dog weighing 30 kg, healthy, and in normal physical condition, one day should include:

• 250 grams of boneless chicken breast

• 100 grams of chicken wings

• 100 grams of chicken gizzards

• 1 chicken neck

• 1 large egg

• A teaspoon of olive oil

• 100 grams of beets

• 50 grams of spinach and a medium apple (seedless).

Three Fundamental Tips in the BARF Diet

1. Freeze meat or fish for 3 to 5 days to avoid bacterial infections.

2. Chicken and turkey are lower in fat than beef or pork, rich in nutrients, and easier to digest. Opt for these meats.

3. Food must be raw, especially bones. If they are cooked, they harden and can fragment and suffocate your furry friend.