Why Dachshunds Are the Worst Breed

While some may find dachshunds adorable with their long bodies and big floppy ears, others often consider them the worst breed. This is due to their unique characteristics that can pose challenges for even the most experienced pet owners.

Dachshunds have a reputation for being stubborn and independent, which can make training a difficult task. Additionally, their strong prey drive can lead to aggression towards other animals.

Their long spine and short legs make them prone to back problems, such as intervertebral disc disease, and other health issues like obesity. This puts additional strain on pet owners who need to ensure that their dachshunds receive regular exercise and careful diet management.

Despite these challenges, dachshunds can still make loving and loyal companions with proper care and training. You should understand the unique temperament, behavior, and health needs of this breed before buying or adopting it.

In the following sections, we explore why dachshunds are often considered the worst breed and the challenges you may face as a pet owner.

Dachshund Temperament and Behavior

The temperament and behavior of a dachshund can be challenging for some owners.

Stubborn and Independent

Dachshunds have a strong-willed and independent nature that can make training difficult. They are known to have their own agenda and may not always follow commands, especially if they see no benefit for themselves. This stubbornness can be frustrating for owners who are trying to train them.

Strong Prey Drive

They were originally bred to hunt small prey, and this instinct remains strong in them. Dachshunds have a high prey drive, which means they may chase after small animals like squirrels or birds. This behavior can be dangerous if they are not properly supervised, especially if they are off-leash in an open area.

Excessive Barking

Dachshunds are also known for their excessive barking, which can be a problem if you live in an apartment or have close neighbors. They bark at anything and everything, from strangers passing by to noises they hear from outside. Proper training and socialization can help reduce this behavior.

Housebreaking Difficulties

Housebreaking can also be a challenge. Due to their small size, they have smaller bladders and may need to go outside more frequently than larger dogs. Additionally, their stubborn nature may make it difficult for them to learn to go outside on command.

Dachshunds require patient and consistent training to overcome their unique temperament and behavior challenges. They can make loving and loyal companions despite their quirks with proper socialization and care.why dachshunds are the worst dogs

Dachshund Health Issues

Dachshunds are known for their unique body structure, which puts them at risk for several health issues. You should understand the common health problems in this breed.

Intervertebral Disc Disease

One of the most significant health concerns for dachshunds is intervertebral disc disease, which can cause severe back pain and even paralysis. Their long, narrow spine puts pressure on the discs between their vertebrae, which can rupture or herniate over time. As a result, you must take precautions to prevent excessive jumping or other activities that may strain your dog’s back.


Another common health issue in dachshunds is arthritis, which can also be exacerbated by their unique body shape. The weight of their long body puts additional pressure on their joints over time, leading to inflammation and pain. You must ensure your dachshund maintains a healthy weight to avoid exacerbating this condition.

Obesity and Dental Problems

Like all dogs, dachshunds are at risk for obesity and dental problems, which can lead to other health concerns over time. However, dachshunds may be more prone to these issues due to their love of food and potential genetic predispositions. Thus, monitoring their diet carefully and ensuring they receive regular dental care is crucial.

By understanding the potential health concerns facing dachshunds, you can take proactive measures to ensure your dog remains healthy and happy. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper nutrition, and exercise can help prevent or manage these issues and provide your furry friend a long and healthy life.why you shouldn't get a dachshund

They Require Regular Grooming

One aspect potential Dachshund owners might find challenging is their grooming needs. Dachshunds have a short, smooth coat variety and a long-haired variety, both requiring regular grooming attention. Long-haired Dachshunds, in particular, need more frequent brushing to prevent matting and tangling.

The commitment to maintaining their coats might be a significant consideration for individuals seeking a lower-maintenance dog breed. You should be prepared for the time and effort involved in keeping a Dachshund’s coat in good condition.


Despite their fair share of challenges and health issues, dachshunds can make excellent companions with proper care and training.

Understanding their temperament and behavior is crucial when it comes to managing and training them. Consistency and positive reinforcement can go a long way in curbing any problematic behaviors, such as excessive barking or stubbornness.

Proper Nutrition and Exercise

Another essential aspect of caring for a dachshund is ensuring they receive proper nutrition and exercise. This breed is prone to obesity, which can exacerbate other health issues, so you should monitor their diet and keep them active with regular walks and playtime.

Regular Veterinary Care

Finally, you should prioritize regular veterinary care for your dachshund. The breed’s unique body structure puts them at risk for several health issues, so you should stay on top of preventative measures and address any potential problems as soon as they arise.

Overall, while dachshunds may require more effort and attention than some other breeds, they can make loving and loyal companions for those who are up to the challenge.


Why are dachshunds considered the worst breed by some pet owners?

Dachshunds can be challenging for some pet owners due to their unique characteristics. They have a stubborn and independent temperament, a strong prey drive, and may exhibit excessive barking. Housebreaking can also be difficult with dachshunds.

What health issues are common in dachshunds?

They are prone to back problems, such as intervertebral disc disease, and joint issues like arthritis. Dachshunds are also susceptible to obesity, dental problems, and potential genetic predispositions.

Are dachshunds suitable for everyone?

Dachshunds may not be the ideal choice for everyone, but with proper care and training, they can make loving and loyal companions. You should understand their temperament, behavior, and health needs before making a decision.